PhD student/PostDoc (Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering, Biotechnology or similar): Production of single-cell protein from electricity and CO2 as a sustainable feed for aquaculture”
On the campus of the University of Bremen (Germany), the first “innovate!Center MaTeNa (Materials – Technologies – Sustainability)” of the Joachim Herz Foundation is being created. It aims to bring research results in the field of ‘Materials for Sustainable Technologies’ into application more quickly. For the five-year transfer project “Production of single-cell protein from electricity and CO2 as a sustainable feed for aquaculture” we are now seeking a research assistant (m/f/d) from the field of microbiology or biotechnology (or related).
The use of single cell proteins (SCP) instead of fishmeal as feed in aquaculture is a promising approach to reduce the exploitation of natural fish stocks. Aim of the five-year project is the transfer of the technology from the lab scale (TRL 4) to application together with partners from research and industry. Eventually, an up-scaled microbial electrosynthesis cell for the production of SCP shall be developed. Ideally, a start-up will be founded based on the technology to be developed within the project.
Your task is the development and characterization of an up-scaled microbial electrosynthesis cell for SCP production using the microorganism Methanococcus maripaludis. In coordination with microbiologists, you will first develop an initial cell design, identify suitable separator membranes and implement a cell harvesting process. In the next step, you will investigate the scalability of the electrosynthesis cell and derive the design of an up- scaled prototype. Finally, you will be responsible for its construction, optimization and in-depth characterization – supported by experienced engineers and partner companies from industry. Ideally, you will pursue the spin-off of a corresponding start-up together with colleagues and with the support of the MaTeNa Innovate! Center.
Institution contact information
University of Bremen/Germany
Research Group Environmental Process Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sven Kerzenmacher
Contact email address