The International Society of Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology (ISMET) recognizes the importance in fostering an inclusive scientific community and aims for balanced gender representation in our research community and at our regional and international meetings. WISMET will serve as a networking and mentoring collective to support female researchers in microbial electrochemistry and electromicrobiology. WISMET is meant to create professional connections to senior female researchers, but also as a forum to reach out to others that understand the unique work/life demands of female scientists. The WISMET listserv should be used to ask technical questions, meet potential mentors, and discuss issues related to gender equality. 

If you want to be part of this list, please go to https://groups.io/g/W-ISMET to subscribe, or contact Catarina Paquete, cpaquete@itqb.unl.pt or Sara Tejedor Sanz (stejedorsanz@lbl.gov). 

WISMET seminar series

The WISMET seminar series will be used to highlight research by grad students and postdocs across our international community. 

Upcoming seminar

Announcing a new WISMET seminar October 25th at 17h European time (CEST)

Name of the speaker: Dr. Katharina Herkendell

Affiliation: Assistant Professor at Distributed Energy Process Engineering, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-NürnbergFuerther Straße 244f, D-90429 Nuremberg, Germany 

Title: “The integration of waste streams and renewable resources in bioelectrochemical systems for decentralized energy conversion”

Past seminars

Name of the speaker: Dr. Ramya Veerubhotla

Affiliation: Post Doctoral Fellow at Aarhus University Centre for Water Technology, Department of Biology, Section for Microbiology, Aarhus University, Aarhus 8000, Denmark.

Title: “Characterizing the Microhabitats of Artificial Anode-Respiring Biocomposites using Microsensors”

Name of the speaker: Dr. Anaísa Coelho

Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research at University of Southern California

Title: “Unraveling the extracellular electron uptake pathway of Sideroxydans lithotrophicus ES-1

Name of the speaker: Dr. Mehri Shabani

Affiliation: ESAIP La Salle, CERADE, Saint-Barthélemy d’Anjou, France and Angers University, Faculty of Science, Group Analysis & Processes, Angers, France

Title: “The potential of the Fungal microbial fuel cells to bioremediate pollutants”

Name of the speaker: Dr. Yamini Jangir

Affiliation: Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate in Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, California, USA

Title: “From chitin degradation to iron reduction: Living in the deep sea sediments”

Name of the speaker: Dr. Rehab Hamdy

Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Title: “Nanostructured based microbial fuel cell as a biosensor of algal-photosynthetic productivity”

Name of the speaker: Sara Tejedor Sanz

Affiliation: Senior Scientific Engineer Associate at the Advanced Biofuels Process Development Unit, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA

Title: “Extracellular electron transfer in lactic acid bacteria: squeezing fermentation using electrodes as redox sink”

Name of the speaker: Sanne de Smit

Affiliation: Environmental Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Title: “Metals magic: What happens with metals from microbial growth medium in Microbial Electro Synthesis?”

Name of the speaker: Veera Koskue

Affiliation: Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Tampere University

Title: “(Bio)electrochemical nitrogen recovery from digested sewage sludge reject water.”

14th May 2021

Name of the speaker: Ezgi Ogun

Affiliation: PhD student, Hacettepe University, Environmental Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey.

Title: “Utilization of bioelectrochemical mechanisms in environmental engineering applications: treatment and remediation examples.”