Urgent Notice: Postponement of the 5th Asia-Pacific and 5th European International Society of Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology Conference to 2021
In response to the pandemic of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and in accordance with the relevant national regulations for the control of 2019-nCoV, the Board of Directors of the International Society of Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology in agreement with the local organizers of the 2020 Regional ISMET meetings has decided the following:
1. The 5th AP-ISMET conference hosted by the Harbin Institute of Technology (China) will be postponed to May 2021 and the 5th EU-ISMET hosted by the University of Girona (Spain) will be postponed to spring/ summer 2021 with the exact dates being determined. The exact dates to be determined and the topics and activities will remain unchanged.
2. For the participants of the AP-ISMET and the EU-ISMET who have completed registration and payment, all the conference activities registered for participation will be valid at the time of the conference and will continue to be implemented; possible reimbursement measures will be determined.
For updates of 1. and 2. please refer to the respective websites: https://www.apismet2020.com and https://www.euismet2020.eu/
3. The 5th NA-ISMET scheduled November 18-20 in Los Angeles, USA, will take place as planned, until further notice (follow on twitter: @na_ismet).
4. The 8th international meeting of the ISMET will be postponed to 21st to 23rd of September 2022.
5. ISMET will organize the 1st virtual international ISMET to take place in September 2020, further details will follow soon … so stay tuned.
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Annemiek ter Heijne (President) and Falk Harnisch (President-elect)
in agreement with the local organizing committees.