PhD student/PostDoc (Microbiology or Biotechnology): Production of single-cell protein from electricity and CO2 as a sustainable feed for aquaculture”

On the campus of the University of Bremen (Germany), the first “innovate!Center MaTeNa (Materials – Technologies – Sustainability)” of the Joachim Herz Foundation is being created. It aims to bring research results in the field of ‘Materials for Sustainable Technologies’ into application more quickly. For the five-year transfer project “Production of single-cell protein from electricity…

PhD student/PostDoc (Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering, Biotechnology or similar): Production of single-cell protein from electricity and CO2 as a sustainable feed for aquaculture”

On the campus of the University of Bremen (Germany), the first “innovate!Center MaTeNa (Materials – Technologies – Sustainability)” of the Joachim Herz Foundation is being created. It aims to bring research results in the field of ‘Materials for Sustainable Technologies’ into application more quickly. For the five-year transfer project “Production of single-cell protein from electricity…

PhD position in microbial sulfide electrolysis

Bioelectrochemical systems (BES), described as electrochemical reactors whereby oxidation and reduction reactions are catalyzed biologically at the respective electrodes, have emerged as a potentially more energy efficient and more sustainable way of treating domestic wastewater, while simultaneously recovering electricity (microbial fuel cells) or chemicals (microbial electrolysis). In this project we depart from the standard domestic…

PhD position in extracellular electron transfer mechanisms of Shewanella

Project description:Electrotrophs are microorganisms with the extraordinary capacity to feed on electrons derived from electrodes or steel. Such microorganisms are of interest for bioelectrochemical applications (e.g. to convert electric energy into useful compounds), while electrotrophs also cause detrimental microbial corrosion.This PhD position will use Shewanella strains as model electrotrophs and will investigate how these bacteria…

PhD position: Cable bacteria and sediment biogeochemistry

In the context of the Center for Electromicrobiology a 3-year PhD position is available at the Department of Biology with earliest start on the 1st of August. Cable bacteria are electrically-conductive, filamentous bacteria able to couple sulfide oxidation with oxygen or nitrate reduction over centimeter distances in aquatic sediments. Such “short-circuit” of the redox cascade…

PhD Position: Design of innovative electrodes to optimise the interactions between microorganisms and electrodes in bioelectrochemical systems (LGC Toulouse, France)

Starting date: 1st October 2024Contract duration : 3 yearsFunding : INP Toulouse (B-Best PEPR)Doctoral school : Mécanique, énergétique, génie civil, procédés (MEGEP) Keywords : bioelectrochemical systems, microorganisms, biofilms, electrochemistry, bioeconomy This thesis project is part of the B-BEST priority research programme and equipment (PEPR), which is an integral part of France’s “bio-based products, industrial biotechnologies…

PhD Position: Sustainable bioelectrochemical process for the degradation of halogenated “forever chemicals” (LGC Toulouse, France)

Starting date: 1st October 2024Contract duration: 3 yearsFunding : INP ToulouseDoctoral School : Mécanique, énergétique, génie civil, procédés (MEGEP) Keywords: bioelectrochemical processes, water treatment, micropolluants, microorganisms, biofilms, electrochemistry, analytical chemistry Organic micropollutants (MPs) are mainly man-made contaminants that can have toxic effects on living organisms at very low concentrations. MPs are contained in cosmetics, medicines,…

PhD position in electrochemical conversion of CO2 to valuable products

The UFZ offers PhD positions in the framework of the PhD college “Coupling circular economy principles with environmental hazard management for liquid manure-based sustainable agriculture- SmartManure”. The aim of SmartManure is to address on-farm manure management from storage to land application, combining aspects of circular economy with sustainable agriculture, and develop technical solutions based on…

Open postdoctoral position on hybrid microbial electrolysis cell for green hydrogen production (LGC Toulouse, France)

Postdoctoral contract duration: 24 months, available from March 2024 (to be discussed). Keywords: Microbial Electrolysis Cell, Bioelectrochemical System, hydrogen, redox flow battery, fermentation, waste valorization Context:France launched in 2020 a national strategy for the development of low-carbon hydrogen. With more than €9 billion being invested until 2030, “green” hydrogen has become a priority to decarbonize…

Open postdoctoral position in PROSE unit, INRAE (Antony, Île-de-France) on bioelectrochemical biogas upgrade (24 months starting spring 2024)

To meet growing energy demands sustainably, economies need to prioritize bioenergy and biogas from waste materials, such as agro-industrial waste. However, biogas produced from such waste must undergo significant upgrading to enable its injection into the gas grid. To contribute to the forthcoming energy transition we are seeking to develop a bioelectrochemical biomethanation process to…