ISMET board elections
Dear ISMET members,
As you know our society is now truly global with five chapters. This means that from 2027/ 2028 on all five chapters will elect one out of two new representatives for the chapter of the ISMET Board of Directors every 2nd year. Until then the composition of the Board of Directors is still in transition. This means that in 2023 four members will rotate out of the board, while only three chapters elect a new member to the Board of Directors. The chapters voting for a new representative are Africa, Latin America and North America.
You can find the names and basic information on the great set of candidates below!
More details including a brief bio as well as their respective agenda for will be posted on our twitter account in the next days.
Voting will take place online from end of June to end of July 2023. You will receive a separate email on this, so please check your inboxes in order that these are not lost in SPAM.
We wish a great time and hope to catch up with some of you at ISMET meetings.
Falk Harnisch (ISMET president)
Jeffrey Gralnick (ISMET president elect)
Latin America ISMET
Ignacio Vargas, Chile:
Fernanda Lobo, Brazil:
Africa ISMET
Habib Chouchane from Tunisia,
Janice Limson from South Africa
North America ISMET
Ariel Furst, USA (
Keith Keitz, USA (