PhD position in extracellular electron transfer mechanisms of Shewanella

Project description:
Electrotrophs are microorganisms with the extraordinary capacity to feed on electrons derived from electrodes or steel. Such microorganisms are of interest for bioelectrochemical applications (e.g. to convert electric energy into useful compounds), while electrotrophs also cause detrimental microbial corrosion.
This PhD position will use Shewanella strains as model electrotrophs and will investigate how these bacteria obtain electrons from an electrode or steel. The key hypothesis of this project is that H2 is the key intermediate in the extracellular electron transfer mechanism. The PhD candidate will investigate this hypothesis by physiological studies and electrochemical characterizations.
In addition, genetically altered strains will be tested, which will be created during an international research stay of the PhD candidate in the lab of Prof. Jeffrey Gralnick at the University of Minnesota, USA.
In addition, the PhD candidate is expected to fulfill teaching and supervision tasks and contribute to result dissemination through writing publications and conference participation.
This 3-year position is part of the Some-like-it-low project, funded by the Villum Foundation.
The PhD candidate will work in the ‘Microbial Electrosynthesis’ research group, headed by Associate Professor Jo Philips. We form an international and interdisciplinary team with strong expertise in microbiology, biotechnology, electrochemistry and computational modelling. Our research group is part of the Section of Industrial Biotechnology at the Department of Biological and chemical Engineering at Aarhus University and is also related to the Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center.
We offer the PhD candidate dedicated supervision and a pleasant workplace characterized by professionalism, equality and a healthy work-life balance.

We are looking for talented and motivated applicants with a Master’s degree in Microbiology, Biotechnology, or another discipline with a relevant specialization.
Practical experience with the cultivation of anaerobes, bioelectrochemical systems, or microbial induced corrosion, will be considered as a plus.
Analytical and critical thinking and time management are essential skills to pursuit a PhD.
Further requirements are English fluency, good oral and written communication skills and a collaborative mentality.

Contact information: Associate Professor Jo Philips:

External link: