PhD position “Design of a Bioelectrochemical Biogas Plant”

The Research Group Environmental Process Engineering at the University of Bremen (Germany) seeks candidates for a PhD position (36 months) in the field of designing a bioelectrochemical biogas plant. Candidates should hold a Master’s degree (or equivalent) inChemical & Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biotechnology (or related fields) *Your tasks*The underlying idea of this project is…

PhD position for Microbial Electrosynthesis

The Cluster of Excellence SE²A ‐ Sustainable and Energy Efficient Aviation is a DFG‐funded interdisciplinary research center investigating technologies for a sustainable and eco‐friendly air transport system. Scientists from engineering, economics, chemistry and biology are working on the reduction of drag, emissions and noise, life‐cycle concepts for airframes, improvements in air traffic management and new…

PhD position on electron conduction in cable bacteria

Cable bacteria are filamentous bacteria that can conduct electrons across centimetre-scale distances and thereby metabolize distantly located electron donors and acceptors in aquatic sediment. The DNRF Center for Electromicrobiology at Aarhus University is looking for a motivated and talented PhD student to investigate how cable bacteria and their electron conductors work, based on the numerous…

PhD position on genomic and ecophysiological diversity of cable bacteria

The DNRF Center for Electromicrobiology at the Department of Biology, Aarhus University is looking for a motivated and talented PhD student to work with cable bacteria. Cable bacteria are filamentous sulfide-oxidizing bacteria that conduct electrons across centimetre-scale distances in aquatic sediment. Most of the factors driving cable bacteria genetic divergence and evolution are currently unknown….

PhD position in the field of enzymatic electrosynthesis

We are looking for a talented student with a strong background in biochemistry to fill a four-year PhD post within the Academy of Finland Fellowship project “Novel biocatalysts for a sustainable bioeconomy – enzyme structures enabling carbon dioxide valorisation at electrodes”. Project descriptionThis project is inspired by the recent discovery of an archaeal enzyme complex,…

Postdoc scholars with training in electrochemistry and membrane science and engineering

My group at Penn State ( is looking for postdoc scholars with training in electrochemistry and membrane science and engineering. My lab focuses on polymer membranes for energy-efficient separations (biomedical, water and energy applications), and the prospective postdocs could broaden their application area in membrane fields. Please feel free to forward this message on to…

Exploring natural and artificial biofilms of acetogenic bacteria to improve microbial electrosynthesis rates

Description Research area and project description: Microbial electrosynthesis is a novel biotechnological process for the conversion of excess renewable electricity and CO2 into biofuels or other organic compounds. This process relies on acetogenic bacteria capable of reducing CO2 to organic compounds using electrons delivered by an electrode (cathode). One major problem limiting the rate of…