WISMET seminar 10/12

Day: 10th December (8 am Pacific Standard Time, 5 pm Central Europe Time) Speaker: Sara Tejedor Sanz Affiliation: Senior Scientific Engineer Associate at the Advanced Biofuels Process Development Unit, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA Title: Extracellular electron transfer in lactic acid bacteria: squeezing fermentation using electrodes as redox sink Abstract: The strategy that microorganisms use to extract energy dictates their environmental…

Postdoc for sea bed methane cycling by reversible EET

Description A new source of methane was recently discovered in a subsurface zone of the seabed, where the production and oxidation of methane occur concurrently. Preliminary work indicates that archaea and bacteria may here exchange electrons in the sediment through minerals that function as electrical conductors and capacitors. The working hypothesis is that the archaea…

Postdoctoral position on electromicrobiological oxygen production in sediment

Description Cable bacteria are filamentous microorganisms that transfer electrons across centimetre-scale distances, coupling distant oxidation and reduction reactions in aquatic sediment. Cable bacteria conserve energy by coupling the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide produced in deeper sediment layers to the reduction of oxygen diffusing into sediment from the overlying water. There is some evidence that under…

NA-ISMET 2021 abstract submission

Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce that the North American Meeting of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology (NA-ISMET) will be hosted by the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California on November 17-19, 2021. The meeting is supported by the United States Department of Energy, Air Force Office of Scientific…

Bioelectrochemical Researcher

We are looking for a person with a master or doctorate in electrochemistry or material science, preferably with experience in bioelectrochemical systems and/or H2 electrolysers and fuels cells. The researcher will complement the capabilities of the current team, increasing the quality of project execution. He/she will execute projects in BES technologies, carrying out the following…

HyBioSol PhD Studentship, School of Chemistry, NUI Galway

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for a PhD studentship within the School of Chemistry/ChemLight group at the National University of Ireland, Galway. We are looking for a talented and highly motivated student with an interest in biotechnology, electrochemistry and photoelectocatalysis to develop a novel hybrid platform for solar energy-driven CO2 reduction to green…

WISMET seminars

WISMET will serve as a networking and mentoring collective to support female researchers in microbial electrochemistry and electromicrobiology. For more information on the WISMET seminars, or to become part of the list, head over to the WISMET seminar community page! The first talk will be on the 14th May 2021 at 2 pm (CEST), where…

Postdoc in Sensor Development

We are seeking applicants for a 2-year postdoc in sensor development at the Department of Biology at Aarhus University (Denmark). The applicant will work on a research project funded by the Grundfos Foundation aiming at developing advanced sensing technologies for environmental application.You are expected to contribute to the development and validation of electrochemical and/or bio-electrochemical…