PhD position in Microbial Electrochemistry for Power-to-X

The research group Environmental Biotechnology at the University of Tübingen (located at the Geo- and Environmental Center) is looking for an excellent Ph.D. candidate to support our international, interdisciplinary, and dynamic team of environmental/biological engineers, electrochemists, microbiologists, biotechnologists, and molecular biologists. The research in the Environmental Biotechnology Group is focused on the utilization of open,…

Electrified CO2 capture and conversion

The Jack Lab (U-M faculty profile) in the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (CEE) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (UM-CEE, program ranked #2 U.S. News and World Reports) invites applications for funded post-doctoral research fellow positions to study fundamental kinetic and thermodynamic processes at the electrochemical-biological interface towards the development of…

open position (for both Post Graduate and postDoctoral fellows) – Italy

Offer Description Design, implementation, and operation of bioelectrochemical processes aimed at the production of gaseous fuels (i.e., biohydrogen and biomethane). Analysis and characterization of process performance by means of chemical, electrochemical, and microbiological methodologies. Part of the experimental activity could be performed in the laboratories of ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and…

4 Postdocs and 4 PhD students on cable bacteria

For the extension of Center for Electromicrobiology until 2027 we seek a total of 8 enthusiastic, young researchers with a keen interest in cable bacteria and a relevant background for research in one of the following areas:– Molecular structure, mechanism, or catalytic properties of conductive biopolymers– Functional genomics, physiology, or structural biology of electron-conducting microbes–…

PhD position in microbial electrochemistry @ Greifswald University

Electrochemically active biofilms form the heart of bioelectrochemical systems such as microbial fuel cells and determine their performance significantly. A deeper understanding of the function and limitations of these biofilms and the development of high-performance biofilm electrodes based on this understanding are core aspects of the research of our group. The aim of the PhD…

PhD position (f/m/x) on the Process Engineering and Modelling of Biophotovoltaics

A 4-year PhD position at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) is now open for application. The desired candidate is expected to working on the project of measuring and modelling the process kinetics on the process interfaces of biophotovoltaics and develop novel process concept for improved system performance. Institution contact information For inquiries, please…

Post Doctoral Research Fellow – Microbial Electrochemical Technology for metal recovery

Position: Post-Doctoral Research FellowProject: BioElectrochemical Lithium rEcoVEry (BELIEVE)Start date: February 15, 2023Duration: 18 monthsDepartment of Microbial Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XHProject Supervisors: Professor Claudio Avignone Rossa, Professor Jhuma Sadhukhan, Dr Siddharth Gadkari There is currently a high demand for Li, a high-tech metal found only in a few locations worldwide. Li production…

Postdoc in sediment biogeochemistry and electrochemistry

Are you interested in sediment geochemical processes and would you like to work at the interface between biology, electrochemistry, and physics? At the Department of Biology at Aarhus University (Denmark), we seek for a postdoc to investigate the influence of electric fields on the mass transport of nutrients in sediments. The availability of nutrients in…

PhD position in microbial electrochemistry @ Greifswald University

Microbial electrogenesis – i.e. the generation of electricity from organic compounds in wastewater or marine sediments, and microbial electrosynthesis – i.e. the electrotrophic storage of electric current in organic molecules (e.g. from CO2), are two main applications of microbial electrochemical technologies. In both cases, the efficiency of the bioelectrochemical material and energy conversion depends strongly…

Ph.D. and Postdoc positions on Reactive CO2 valorization

The Jack Lab (U-M faculty profile) in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (CEE) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (UM-CEE, graduate program ranked #3 U.S. News and World Reports) invites applications for multiple funded Ph.D. student and post-doctoral research fellow positions to study fundamental kinetic and thermodynamic processes at the electrochemical-biological interface towards…